7:30am: Sunrise service in the sanctuary (due to inclement weather)
8:00am - 9:30am: Easter breakfast in the fellowship hall
10:15am: Easter worship service in the sanctuary
7:30am: Sunrise service in the sanctuary (due to inclement weather)
8:00am - 9:30am: Easter breakfast in the fellowship hall
10:15am: Easter worship service in the sanctuary
We are calling all crafters and artists! Please join West Chester Presbyterian Church for a Craft and Artist Fair on June 1, 2024. The Craft and Artist Fair is part of the Olde West Chester Founder's Day Walk.
We hope you can join us for our first Messy Church of the new year on Thursday January 11th from 6 - 7:30pm. We will study Matthew 28: 19-20 and how we are called to spread the great news of Jesus. You won’t want to miss the boat on this one, please join us for dinner beginning at 6:00. If you haven’t heard of Messy Church before, we are food, family, fellowship, and most of all fun! We love new faces in our Messy Church family and hope you can make it. If you are looking for the new sign-up sheets, they are in the narthex at the Messy Church table.
Below are our upcoming dates:
January 11
February 8
March 14
April 11
May 9