Sunday, September 17th is kick-off day for Youth, Children, and Adult Sunday School classes. During worship, the DMJ Jazz Trio will perform. After worship, we will share a potluck meal in Fellowship Hall. Afterwards, the DMJ Jazz Trio will treat everyone to an hour-long concert in the sanctuary.
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We hope everyone had a wonderful summer and we will be back together soon; learning how each one of us is called by God to make a difference. Please join us for a night of fellowship, food, and fun. Sign-up sheets for Messy Church (held on the second Thursday of each month) are in the narthex at church. Fall program dates are September 14 | October 12 | November 9 | December 14 . We appreciate all the support of our Messy Church family to make this intergenerational program possible.
Yeehaw! Dust off your cowboy boots and hats and join the Fellowship Committee for a Western Rodeo night on June 17th! We will be roasting weenies and making S'mores. Fun games are planned: corn-hole, horseshoes, ring toss, corn-on-the-cob eating contest, and much more! Bring your lawn chairs and join us - if anyone has corn-hole sets or horseshoes, please see Karen Barcus or Edna Slusher.
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