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WCPC Elders & Deacons


A Presbyterian congregation is led by Elders elected by the members of the church. The Elders are organized into a governing body called the Session. The Session is responsible for the whole life of the congregation including worship, fellowship, evangelism, education, mission and maintenance of the facility. Each session member serves a three-year term and is a member of one or more of the following teams in the church.  The teams are worship, fellowship, evangelism, education, and mission, and administrative (maintenance, budget, and finances).  


Court Aiken

Karen Barcus

Lisa Breithaupt​

John Cathcart

Don Chain

Doug Johnson

Kathy Shepherd

Edna Slusher

Betty Smith

Wilfred Smith

Woody Trimbell

Jessica Whitmore


The Session meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm.


Clerk of Session: Cathy Hegner


The Deacons is a ministry of the congregation whose purpose is to care for people in need. Individual Deacons are elected by the members of the congregation for three-year terms of service. Although all of us are called to serve others in the name of Jesus Christ, the Deacons perform this function as a special calling, organized to provide intentional and perhaps long-term service to others. Some of the duties of the Deacons include:

  • Visit members and friends who are unable to leave their homes

  • Send birthday cards to senior members of the church as well as to those experiencing difficult times

  • Host a monthly welcoming reception following the worship service

  • Send care packages to college students and military personnel

  • Manage the Memorial Fund



Pennie Aiken

April Barcus

JoAnne Boyd

Lynne Burke

Will DeClercq

Emmanuel Ekema

Ginny Johnson

Maria Koegel

Randy Silvis

Nancy Stewart

Jane Thornton

Jenny Williams (chair)


The Deacons meet at 7pm on the first Tuesday of each month in the library.

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