Palm Sunday Worship Service - April 2nd at 10:15am, WCPC Sanctuary
Maundy Thursday Worship Service - April 6th at 7pm, WCPC Sanctuary
Good Friday Prayer Vigil - Just as we have done in previous years, we will have a prayer vigil during the day and into the night on Good Friday, April 7th. People will have the opportunity to come and pray between the hours of 6am - midnight. There will be a visual display and printed materials available to help guide your prayers.
Easter Sunday, April 9th:
Sunrise Service, 7:30am. Weather permitting, the sunrise service will be held at West Chester Cemetery (also known as Brookside Cemetery) 6425 West Chester Road, West Chester, OH 45069. In the event of rain, the service will be held inside the West Chester Presbyterian Church sanctuary.
Easter Breakfast will be held in the Fellowship Hall from 8 - 9:30 am, following the Easter sunrise service.
Easter Sunday Worship Service - 10:15am, WCPC Sanctuary